Project Management – Basics (PMB)


Course Overview

This course is an introduction to classic IT project management. The content can be applied later in more advanced certification courses.

Who should attend

Employees who work on projects or in an IT service desk.



Course Objectives

You have a basic understanding of how classic project management works and how to use it when working on a project or in an IT service desk.

Course Content

  • Basic principles
  • Knowledge areas
  • Processes and Management Products
    • Prepare a project
    • Build a project environment
    • Control a project
    • Daily management of a project
    • Building and testing specialists products
    • Managing project phases
    • Completing a project
  • Use of classic projects in an IT service desk

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

1 jour

  • 950,– €
Formation en salle équipée

1 jour

  • Suisse : 950,– €


Date garantie :   Fast Lane s’engage à mettre en œuvre les formations garanties quelque soit le nombre de participants, en dehors des cas de force majeurs ou d’événements exceptionnels, comme un accident ou un maladie de l’instructeur.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.


European Time Zones

Formation en ligne garanti !


European Time Zones