Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure (MS-20764)


Course Overview

This five-day instructor-led course provides students who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.

Who should attend

The primary audience for this course is individuals who administer and maintain SQL Server databases. These individuals perform database administration and maintenance as their primary area of responsibility, or work in environments where databases play a key role in their primary job.

The secondary audiences for this course are individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.


In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:

  • Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and its core functionality.
  • Working knowledge of Transact-SQL.
  • Working knowledge of relational databases.
  • Some experience with database design.

The required knowledge can be gained from the course Querying Data with Transact-SQL (MS-20761).

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Authenticate and authorize users
  • Assign server and database roles
  • Authorize users to access resources
  • Protect data with encryption and auditing
  • Describe recovery models and backup strategies
  • Backup SQL Server databases
  • Restore SQL Server databases
  • Automate database management
  • Configure security for the SQL Server agent
  • Manage alerts and notifications
  • Managing SQL Server using PowerShell
  • Trace access to SQL Server
  • Monitor a SQL Server infrastructure
  • Troubleshoot a SQL Server infrastructure
  • Import and export data

Course Content

  • SQL Server Security
  • Assigning Server and Database Roles
  • Authorizing Users to Access Resources
  • Protecting Data with Encryption and Auditing
  • Recovery Models and Backup Strategies
  • Backing Up SQL Server Databases
  • Restoring SQL Server 2016 Databases
  • Automating SQL Server Management
  • Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent
  • Monitoring SQL Server with Alerts and Notifications
  • Introduction to Managing SQL Server by using PowerShell
  • Tracing Access to SQL Server with Extended events
  • Monitoring SQL Server
  • Troubleshooting SQL Server
  • Importing and Exporting Data

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

5 jours

  • CHF 3 240,–
Formation en salle équipée

5 jours

  • Suisse : CHF 3 240,–


FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.


European Time Zones

Formation en ligne
Option présentielle : Francfort, Allemagne
Formation en ligne
Option présentielle : Hambourg, Allemagne
FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.


Francfort Langue : Allemand
Francfort Langue : Allemand
Hambourg Langue : Allemand
Hambourg Langue : Allemand
Francfort Langue : Allemand

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