Oracle Database 19c: Data Guard Administration Workshop (D108630)


Course Overview

This course teaches you how to use Oracle Data Guard. Expert Oracle University instructors will demonstrate how this solution protects your Oracle database against planned and unplanned downtimes.

Course Objectives

  • What is Oracle Data Guard?
  • Types of Standby Databases
  • Types of Data Guard Services
  • Role Transitions: Switchover and Failover
  • Oracle Data Guard Broker Framework
  • Choosing an Interface for Administering a Data Guard Configuration
  • Oracle Data Guard: Architecture (Overview)

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

4 jours

  • 3 813,– €
Formation en salle équipée

4 jours

  • Suisse : 3 813,– €


FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.


European Time Zones

Formation en ligne
Option présentielle : Dresden, Allemagne
Formation en ligne
Option présentielle : Dresden, Allemagne
FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.


Dresden Langue : Allemand
Dresden Langue : Allemand

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