RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Implementation and Administration (RPVMIA)


Résumé du cours

This course covers how to implement, manage, and monitor a RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines solution. Deployment activities including planning, installation, and configuration are covered in this course. Management activities using the vCenter Server Web Client include testing images for remote access, creating bookmarks, and failover and production recovery operations. This course also covers how the system handles dynamic changes to the VMs and the underlying infrastructure, as well as RecoverPoint licensing and the REST API.

A qui s'adresse cette formation

This course is intended for anyone looking to deploy and manage a RecoverPoint for Virtual Machine environment.


A general understanding of a VMware environment along with a fundamental knowledge of RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines.


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the critical aspects in planning for and deploying a RecoverPoint for VMs System.
  • Explain the procedure to install virtual RecoverPoint Appliances (vRPAs) from an OVA file.
  • Describe the methods for installing a RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines System using the RecoverPoint for VMs Deployer.
  • List the requirement for licensing and registering a RecoverPoint for VMs System
  • Describe the procedures to protect Virtual Machines using RecoverPoint for VMs.
  • Explain the automation methods available with RecoverPoint for VMs.
  • Describe the recovery procedures used with RecoverPoint for VMs.


  • Pre-Deployment Considerations
  • RecoverPoint for VMs Cluster Installation
  • RecoverPoint for VMs Cluster Licensing and Registration
  • RecoverPoint for VMs Overview
  • Protecting a Virtual Machine with RecoverPoint for VMs
  • Editing a Consistency Group's Properties
  • Monitoring RecoverPoint for VMs
  • VM Automation and Orchestration
  • Recovery of Virtual Machines with RecoverPoint for VMs
  • Advanced Administration for RecoverPoint for VMs

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

2 jours

  • US $ 2 200,–
Formation en salle équipée

2 jours

  • Suisse : US $ 2 200,–

Actuellement aucune session planifiée