Developing Applications for the Java EE 6 Platform (Self-Study Course)



  • Java Programming Language (CDJ-275-SE6)
  • Develop applications by using the Java programming language
  • Program with sockets or streams
  • Understand the monitoring framework that is provided by Java


  • Organize and set up the GUI generation and event handling to support a Java technology project
  • Implement the Logging API to generate log messages in GUI
  • Create two-tier and three-tier Java technology applications
  • Create a multithreaded server
  • Create remote objects using Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI)
  • Apply Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern to create reusable classes
  • Implement unit testing using JUnit
  • Implement a program from the ground up that could be used in a commercial intranet application
  • Develop classes to connect programs to Structured Query Language (SQL) database systems using the core aspects of the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) application programming inte

Product description

  • Introduce the BrokerTool Application
    • Explain the problem statement of the BrokerTool application
    • Creating and populating the StockMarket Database
    • Executing SQL Statements on the StockMarket Database
  • Apply the Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
    • Explain design patterns
    • Explain the MVC design pattern
    • Analyze how the MVC design pattern can be used in applications
    • Add MVC Interaction Code
  • Implement Unit Testing
    • Develop unit testcases using JUnit
    • Execute Unit testcases
    • Open the InfoTool Project
    • Prepare JUnit Test Cases for the InfoTool Project
    • Analyze the JUnit Test Cases of the InfoController class of the InfoTool Project
    • Create and Analyze Test Methods Inside File
    • Create a TestSuite of all the Test Cases of the InfoTool Project
  • Design the BrokerTool Application
    • Apply the MVC design pattern
    • Begin the analysis and design of the project under study
    • Develop a build plan for the project
    • Create the MVC Participants
    • Establish the BrokerTool MVC Baseline
  • Implement the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API
    • Describe the JDBC API
    • Explain how using the abstraction layer provided by the JDBC API makes a database front end portable across platforms
    • Describe the five major tasks involved with the JDBC programmer's interface
    • State the requirements of a JDBC driver and its relationship to the JDBC driver manager
    • Describe the data access objects (DAO) pattern and its applicability to a given scenario
    • Identify the Workflow and Object Interactions
    • Implement a Database-Connected Broker Model by Using the DAO Pattern
  • Create Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)
    • Apply the principles of good GUI design
    • Design and implement a GUI for the project using Matisse
    • Apply the Composite Design pattern to build the BrokerTool GUI
    • Use JTable and JTabbedPane classes in your application to build a sophisticated GUI
    • Add AllCustomerTablePanel to the Palette Window and drag-and-drop to the BrokerGui Class
    • Create the CustomerPanel Class, add to the Palette Window and drag-and-drop to the BrokerGui Class
    • Change the Order of the Tabs
    • Compile and Test the BrokerGui Class
  • Handle GUI Events
    • Implement a view class
    • Implement a controller class
    • Create the BrokerTool view Class
    • Create the BrokerTool Controller Class
    • Compile and Testing the BrokerGui Class
    • Add Event Handling Functionality
  • Log Messages in GUI
    • Use the logging API
    • Examine a logging example
    • Write a custom handler
    • Set filters to a particular handler
    • Create the Custom Handler Class
  • Implement Multiple-Tier Design
    • Compare the BrokerTool two-tier design with the three-tier design for the same application
    • Explain how you can use the Java technology package, to implement networking applications
    • Demonstrate how to use the Command design pattern in the application
    • Apply the Strategy design pattern to create reusable code
    • Describe how you can implement the network client
    • Describe how you can implement the network server
  • Implement Advanced Multiple-Tier Design
    • Use the new Java concurrency APIs to create a multithreaded server
    • Examine a thread pool
    • Identify integrity problems in multithreaded servers
    • Create a Generic Network Client Class
  • Communicate With Remote Objects Using Java RMI
    • Create remote objects
    • Use Java RMI to create a multi-tier application
    • Deploy a Java RMI Implementation of the BrokerModel Interface
    • Create a Java RMI Implementation of the BrokerView Interface
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Prix (Hors Taxe)
  • CHF 719,–