Administering BIG-IP (TRG-BIG-OP-ADMIN)



This course is intended for network administrators, operators, and engineers responsible for managing the normal day-to-day operation and administration of a BIG-IP application delivery network. This course presents the prerequisite knowledge for many other of F5’s BIG-IP instructor-led training courses.


The following general network technology knowledge and experience are required before attending any F5 Global Training Services instructor-led course:

  • OSI model encapsulation
  • Routing and switching
  • Ethernet and ARP
  • TCP/IP concepts
  • IP addressing and subnetting
  • NAT and private IP addressing
  • Default gateway
  • Network firewalls
  • LAN vs. WAN


This course gives network administrators, network operators, and network engineers a functional understanding of the BIG-IP system as it is commonly deployed in an application delivery network. The course introduces students to the BIG-IP system, its configuration objects, how it processes traffic, and how typical administrative and operational activities are performed. The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, interactive demonstrations, and discussions.


  • Getting started with the BIG-IP system
  • Traffic processing with BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM)
  • Using the Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) command line interface
  • Using NATs and SNATs
  • Monitoring application health and managing object status
  • Modifying traffic behavior with profiles, including SSL offload and re-encryption
  • Modifying traffic behavior with persistence, including source address affinity and cookie persistence
  • Troubleshooting the BIG-IP system, including logging (local, high-speed, and legacy remote logging), and using tcpdump
  • Always-On Management (AOM)
  • User roles and administrative partitions
  • vCMP concepts
  • Customizing application delivery with iRules


  • Chapter 1: Setting Up the BIG-IP System
  • Chapter 2: Traffic Processing Building Blocks
  • Chapter 3: Using NATs and SNATs
  • Chapter 4: Monitoring Application Health
  • Chapter 5: Modifying Traffic Behavior with Profiles
  • Chapter 6: Modifying Traffic Behavior with Persistence
  • Chapter 7: Troubleshooting the BIG-IP System
  • Chapter 8: Administering the BIG-IP System
  • Chapter 9: Customizing Application Delivery with iRules
  • Chapter 10: Additional Training and Certification

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

2 Tage

  • US$ 2'300.–

2 Tage

  • Schweiz: US$ 2'300.–


Garantietermin:   Kursdurchführung unabhängig von der Teilnehmerzahl garantiert. Ausgenommen sind unvorhersehbare Ereignisse (z.B. Unfall, Krankheit der Trainer), die eine Kursdurchführung unmöglich machen.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Kursdurchführung online im virtuellen Klassenraum.
FLEX Classroom Training (Hybrid-Kurs):   Kursteilnahme wahlweise vor Ort im Klassenraum oder online vom Arbeitsplatz oder von zu Hause aus.


Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)

Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)


Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)

Online Training
Klassenraum-Option: Diegem, Belgien
Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ) Garantietermin!
Garantietermin:   Kursdurchführung unabhängig von der Teilnehmerzahl garantiert. Ausgenommen sind unvorhersehbare Ereignisse (z.B. Unfall, Krankheit der Trainer), die eine Kursdurchführung unmöglich machen.
FLEX Classroom Training (Hybrid-Kurs):   Kursteilnahme wahlweise vor Ort im Klassenraum oder online vom Arbeitsplatz oder von zu Hause aus.
Houten Garantietermin!
Diegem Garantietermin!

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