UFT One 2021.x Essentials (UFTO120-2021)


Résumé du cours

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to use the UFT One version 2021 application as an automated functional testing tool. Beginning with record and playback, participants learn how to create new automated tests. They then explore enhancements, including synchronization, checkpoints, parameterization, reusable actions, function libraries, and shared object repositories.

Included is an introduction to UFT One for API testing, which contains an extensible framework for the construction and execution of functional tests of headless systems (systems that do not have a user interface).

The hands-on labs for this course use version 2021 of the UFT One software.

A qui s'adresse cette formation

Quality Assurance engineers or any new users of UFT One.


To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Working knowledge of Windows and web browsers
  • Experience with programming or scripting languages


Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Record and create scripts using Unified Functional Testing One (UFT One)
  • Enhance the scripts with synchronization, parametrization, and checkpoints
  • Create tests on Web applications
  • Use UFT One to automate GUI and API tests
  • Test Web services with UFT One API
  • Add additional UFT One features to make the test robust and provide better coverage


Module 1: Course Overview
  • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
  • Define the class schedule and class logistics
  • Identify the related courses
  • Discuss the lab environment details
Module 2: Software Overview
  • Describe the advantages of UFT One as a testing tool
  • Preview the UFT One Start page and Help menus
  • Recognize the sample applications used in the labs
  • Identify resources for getting assistance
Module 3: Preparing to Record
  • Identify functional testing principles and the benefits of automated testing
  • Navigate the typical GUI testing workflow
  • Document the steps of a business process
  • Prioritize business processes using effective criteria
  • Gather sufficient test data
  • Prepare the test environment for automated testing
Module 4: Creating a Basic Test
  • Create a basic test from a manual test case
  • Run a test and check for errors
  • Save a test
  • View test results
Module 5: Working with Objects
  • Identify objects
  • Describing UFT One for GUI Testing object
  • Identify objects in UFT One for GUI Testing
  • Use the Object Repository to manage objects in UFT One for GUI Testing
  • Resolve object identification issues
Module 6: Utilizing a Shared Object Repository
  • Identify the types of object repositories
  • Manage shared object repositories using the Object Repository Manager
  • Use visual relation identifiers
Module 7: Adding Synchronization
  • Define synchronization in UFT One for GUI Testing
  • Identify the uses of synchronization in UFT One for GUI Testing
  • Add a synchronization step for a specified object
Module 8: Verifying with Standard Checkpoints
  • Define standard checkpoints
  • Add standard checkpoints to a test
  • Use a regular expression to add flexibility to a standard checkpoint
Module 9: Using Parameters
  • Identify and use different parameter types
  • Insert an input parameter
  • Insert an output parameter
  • Parameterize a checkpoint
  • Evaluate test results for iterative tests
Module 10: Building Multiple Reusable Actions
  • Identify actions in UFT One for GUI Testing
  • Identify action types
  • Identify action and test iterations
  • Identify calls to existing actions and copies of actions
  • Share values using the global data table
  • Call actions with parameters
  • Store action return values
  • Create multiple actions from a single action
  • Create a new action
  • Call a reusable action from another test
  • Use local and global data sheets
  • Resolve missing actions
Module 11: Adding Steps without Recording
  • List the types of steps that can be added to a test without using the record feature
  • Use conditional statements in a test
  • Use the Step Generator
  • Use the reporter object to report events in the test results
Module 12: Creating Tests on a Web Application
  • Record and run a test on a web application
  • Insert standard checkpoints on web objects
  • Insert a text checkpoint in a test for a web application
Module 13: Testing Web Services with UFT One API
  • Define Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Identify components of SOA
  • Define the terminology and principles surrounding component testing
  • Navigate the UFT One UI for API testing
  • Create a basic Service Test (API Test) in UFT One
Module 14: Using UFT One with API Testing
  • Import a service
  • Use the UFT One UI
  • Work with the Visual Test Designer
  • Define test step inputs and outputs
  • Identify data drive steps
  • Work with control flows
  • Use the Results Viewer
Module 15: Enhancing UFT One API Tests
  • Use checkpoints and reporting
  • Configure database validation with UFT One
  • Configure security with UFT One
Module 16: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Describe the new AI feature in UFT One
  • Identify AI advantages
Appendix A: Significant Checkpoints for GUI Testing
  • Create table checkpoints
  • Create text and text area checkpoints
  • Create file content checkpoints
  • Create XML checkpoints
Appendix B: Object Identification Techniques
  • Configure object identification
  • Describe mandatory and assistive properties
  • Use ordinal identifiers
  • Use smart identifiers
  • Describe when to use Smart Identification
  • Use the Smart Identification process
  • Describe how UFT One for GUI Testing uses Smart Identification – Use Case Scenario
Appendix C: Using Recovery Scenarios
  • Identify exceptions in a test
  • Create a recovery scenario
  • Associate a recovery scenario with a test
  • Set an optional step in a test
Appendix D: Using Database Checkpoints
  • Identify the purpose of a database checkpoint
  • Create a Structured Query Language (SQL) statement using Microsoft Query
  • Create a database checkpoint

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

5 jours

  • sur demande
Formation en salle équipée

5 jours

  • sur demande


Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.


Fuseau horaire : Heure d'été d'Europe centrale (HAEC)

Formation en ligne Fuseau horaire : Heure d'été d'Europe centrale (HAEC) Langue : Anglais
Formation en ligne Fuseau horaire : Heure d'été d'Europe centrale (HAEC) Langue : Anglais
Formation en ligne Fuseau horaire : Heure normale d'Europe centrale (HNEC) Langue : Anglais
Formation en ligne Fuseau horaire : Heure normale d'Europe centrale (HNEC) Langue : Anglais