Microsoft Office Training

Learn how to make the most of innovative Microsoft Office applications, secure cloud services, and online meeting tools for better collaboration.

Microsoft Partner Training

Office 365 Trainings

Microsoft Teams TrainingMicrosoft PowerBI SeminarMicrosoft Word WeiterbildungMicrosoft OneNote Fortbildung

Office 2019 Trainings

In addition to our trainings on the current Office versions, we also offer trainings on older versions if required.

Customized and Onsite Microsoft Office Trainings

We are happy to adapt the training courses to your specific circumstances, goals and requirements. We will conduct your customized training either at one of our training centers or at your premises. Simply let us know your requirements via our contact form or give us a call: +41 44 832 50 80.

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Upcoming Microsoft Office Trainings
7EG Excel - Grundkurs Course language: German Guaranteed date! Berlin
7EP Excel - VBA - Programmierung Grundkurs Course language: German Guaranteed date! Berlin
SPOADM SharePoint Online for Administrators Course language: German Guaranteed date! Hamburg
Book classroom training
Book online training
7E1 Excel - VBA - Programmierung Aufbaukurs Course language: German Düsseldorf
O37 Microsoft Office 365 - für Anwender Course language: German Düsseldorf
7E1 Excel - VBA - Programmierung Aufbaukurs Course language: German Dresden
O37 Microsoft Office 365 - für Anwender Course language: German Dresden
7E1 Excel - VBA - Programmierung Aufbaukurs Course language: German Stuttgart
O37 Microsoft Office 365 - für Anwender Course language: German Stuttgart
7E1 Excel - VBA - Programmierung Aufbaukurs Course language: German Berlin
O37 Microsoft Office 365 - für Anwender Course language: German Berlin
7E1 Excel - VBA - Programmierung Aufbaukurs Course language: German Online Training
O37 Microsoft Office 365 - für Anwender Course language: German Online Training
7AP Access - VBA Programmierung Grundkurs Course language: German Düsseldorf
EXS Excel - VBA Programmierung Special: Datenaustausch zwischen Excel, Datenbanken, Word und Outlook Course language: German Düsseldorf
EXS Excel - VBA Programmierung Special: Datenaustausch zwischen Excel, Datenbanken, Word und Outlook Course language: German Dresden
7AP Access - VBA Programmierung Grundkurs Course language: German Dresden
EXS Excel - VBA Programmierung Special: Datenaustausch zwischen Excel, Datenbanken, Word und Outlook Course language: German Stuttgart
7AP Access - VBA Programmierung Grundkurs Course language: German Stuttgart
EXS Excel - VBA Programmierung Special: Datenaustausch zwischen Excel, Datenbanken, Word und Outlook Course language: German Berlin
7AP Access - VBA Programmierung Grundkurs Course language: German Berlin
7AP Access - VBA Programmierung Grundkurs Course language: German Online Training
EXS Excel - VBA Programmierung Special: Datenaustausch zwischen Excel, Datenbanken, Word und Outlook Course language: German Online Training
7OA Outlook - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Düsseldorf
7OA Outlook - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Dresden
7OA Outlook - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Stuttgart
7OA Outlook - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Berlin
7OA Outlook - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Online Training
7EL Excel - Pivot - Tabellen / Listenauswertungen Grundkurs Course language: German Düsseldorf
7WA Word - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Düsseldorf
7EL Excel - Pivot - Tabellen / Listenauswertungen Grundkurs Course language: German Dresden
7WA Word - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Dresden
7EL Excel - Pivot - Tabellen / Listenauswertungen Grundkurs Course language: German Stuttgart
7WA Word - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Stuttgart
7EL Excel - Pivot - Tabellen / Listenauswertungen Grundkurs Course language: German Berlin
7WA Word - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Berlin
7EG Excel - Grundkurs Course language: German Online Training
7WA Word - Aufbaukurs Course language: German Online Training
7EL Excel - Pivot - Tabellen / Listenauswertungen Grundkurs Course language: German Online Training
7E5 Excel - Pivot - Tabellen Course language: German Düsseldorf
Guaranteed date:   We will carry out all guaranteed training regardless of the number of attendees, exempt from force majeure or other unexpected events, like e.g. accidents or illness of the trainer, which prevent the course from being conducted.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.
FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.