SharePoint Online for Administrators (SPOADM)


Course Overview

Dieser Kurs führt die Teilnehmer in die SharePoint Online-Administration in Office 365 ein und erläutert und demonstriert die Konfiguration für SharePoint Online. Der Kurs ist für bestehende SharePoint On-Premises-Administratoren und neue Administratoren von Office 365 geeignet, die verstehen müssen, wie sie SharePoint Online für ihr Unternehmen richtig einrichten. Der Kurs hilft auch SharePoint On-Premise-Administratoren, die Unterschiede zwischen SharePoint On-Premises und SharePoint Online zu verstehen.

Course Content

SharePoint Online Administration und Sitegestaltung

SharePoint Online Administration

Das Microsoft 365 Admincenter
  • User und Gruppen mit Fokus auf der neuen Microsoft 365 Gruppe
  • Lizenzmanagement
SharePoint Online Admincenter
  • Überblick und Einführung
  • Site Management
  • SharePoint Online Policies: Sharing und Access Control
  • Teilen von Inhalten
SharePoint Online verwalten mit Powershell
  • SharePoint Online Management Shell
  • PnP PowerShell Module und SharePoint Online Management
Working with Microsoft Graph:
  • Erste Schritte mit dem Graph Explorer
  • MS Graph Modul installieren und grundlegende Funktionen verwenden
SharePoint Online - Advanced Management
  • Lizensierung
  • Secure Content Collaboration
  • Advanced Lifecycle Management

SharePoint Online Site Gestaltung

SharePoint Online Sitegestaltung
  • Kollaboration & Communication Sites
  • Hubsites - die neue SharePoint Online Struktur
  • SharePoint Grid und Responsive Design
  • Entwerfen Sie Ihre Websitefunktionalität mit Hilfe Webparts
  • Metadata und Content Type
  • Zielgruppen gerechtes Inhalte Management mit Hilfe von User Profiles und Audience Targeting
SharePoint Online und Microsoft Teams
  • Better Together: SharePoint Online und Teams Integration
  • Teams Kanal und Berechtigungen
OneDrive for Business
  • Die persönliche Bibliothek
  • Verantwortlichkeit für die OneDrive Inhalte - Teilen von Inhalten
  • OneDrive Einstellungen und Wiederherstellen von Inhalten
SharePoint Online und die Power Platform
  • Power App: Erstellen von Apps basierend auf SharePoint Listen
  • Power Automate: Workflows Integration
  • Power BI: einbinden aussagekräftiger Dashboards

SharePoint Security und Complinace Grundlagen

SharePoint Online Security
  • SharePoint Online Berechtigungen für Kollaboration, Kommunikation und Hub Sites
  • Klassisches Berechtigungsmanagement in SharePoint Online
  • Integration von Safe Attachment und Safe Link Policies in Microsoft Defender
SharePoint Online Compliance
  • Life Cycle Management: Retention Policies versus Records Management
  • Information Protection
  • Inhaltssuche und eDiscovery in SharePoint Online

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

3 days

  • CHF 2,400.—
Classroom Training

3 days

  • Switzerland: CHF 2,400.—


Guaranteed date:   We will carry out all guaranteed training regardless of the number of attendees, exempt from force majeure or other unexpected events, like e.g. accidents or illness of the trainer, which prevent the course from being conducted.
FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.


European Time Zones

Online Training
Classroom option: Frankfurt, Germany
Online Training
Classroom option: Hamburg, Germany
Guaranteed date!
Online Training
Classroom option: Frankfurt, Germany
Online Training
Classroom option: Berlin, Germany
Online Training
Classroom option: Frankfurt, Germany
Online Training
Classroom option: Munich, Germany
Online Training
Classroom option: Hamburg, Germany
Online Training
Classroom option: Munich, Germany
Guaranteed date:   We will carry out all guaranteed training regardless of the number of attendees, exempt from force majeure or other unexpected events, like e.g. accidents or illness of the trainer, which prevent the course from being conducted.
FLEX Classroom Training (hybrid course):   Course participation either on-site in the classroom or online from the workplace or from home.
International guaranteed dates
Hamburg Time zone: Central European Time (CET) Course language: German


Frankfurt Course language: German
Hamburg Course language: German Guaranteed date!
Hamburg Course language: German
Frankfurt Course language: German
Munich Course language: German
Berlin Course language: German
Frankfurt Course language: German
Munich Course language: German
+ show all dates

If you can't find a suitable date, don't forget to check our world-wide FLEX training schedule.