
Data Protector Essentials (DPE) – Details

Detaillierter Kursinhalt

Module 1: Course Overview
  • Explain the daily classroom schedule and structure
  • Review the overall course objectives
Module 2: What’s New in Data Protector 11.03
  • Describe new editions, features, and enhancements of Data Protector (DP) from DP 11.01 to DP 11.03
Module 3: Data Protector Architecture
  • Explain the Data Protector architecture
  • Explain the Data Protector cell concept
  • Explain the Data Protector client server architecture
  • Plan the layout for a Data Protector installation
Module 4: Data Protector Installation
  • Plan for the installation of DP
  • Explain the installation sequence
  • Install the DP Cell Manager
  • Explain the client installation concept
  • Distribute DP agent components to client systems
  • Export and import DP clients
  • Discuss the DP upgrade process
Module 5: Data Protector Upgrade
  • Explain the upgrade sequence
  • Discuss the DP upgrade process
  • Plan for the upgradation of the DP Cell Manager
  • Know the DP Upgrades Path
  • Know the Upgrade Options
  • Upgrade the Windows Cell Manager
Module 6: Getting Started
  • Explore Data Protector GUI
Module 7: Licensing and Product Structure
  • Explain the Data Protector licensing models
  • Describe the Data Protector product structure
  • Configure and use the Data Protector license reporting
Module 8: Backup Devices
  • Describe the configurable backup devices
  • Describe the concepts of logical devices
  • Configure and manage disk-based backup devices
  • Configure and manage tape-based backup devices
  • Use the Data Protector CLI to check the devices
Module 9: Media Management
  • Describe the concepts of media management in Data Protector
  • Configure media pools and assign media
  • Exchange media with different Data Protector cells using Media Export/Import
  • Implement vaulting using multiple media pools
Module 10: Backup Specification
  • Create and generate backup specifications
  • Adjust all the options that control the execution of a backup job
  • Explore advanced backup capabilities, such as load balancing or device mirroring
  • Schedule backup specifications using the new web-based scheduler
  • Explain the backup processing flow
Module 11: Restoring Capabilities
  • Use the restore capabilities in Data Protector
  • Perform the session and object restores
  • Perform the single or parallel restores
  • Use the restore context in the Data Protector GUI
Module 12: Sessions, Reports, and Notifications
  • Monitor running sessions through DP GUI or CLI
  • Browse for sessions that have been performed in the past
  • Explain the Data Protector Reporting features
  • Configure the reports within a report group and execute it
  • Configure and modify the Data Protector notifications
Module 13: Copying and Verifying Media and Objects
  • Create copies of the backup media through Media Copy
  • Create copies of the selected objects through Object Copy
  • Verify your data using the media and object verification sessions
Module 14: Internal Database
  • Explain the concept of an Internal Database (IDB)
  • Describe the architecture of an IDB
  • Perform maintenance and administration tasks on the IDB
  • Back up and restore the IDB
  • Configure IDB-related reports and notifications
  • Run a disaster recovery (DR) of IDB
Module 15: Deduplication
  • Explain the deduplication technology
  • Describe the different Data Protector deduplication configurations
  • Configure a B2D device for hardware and software deduplication in Data Protector
  • Configure a backup specification with deduplication
  • Configure an Object Replication between the deduplication devices
Module 16: Block-based Backup and Restore
  • Describe the Block-based backup
  • Describe the change block driver
  • Describe the incremental block-based backup
  • Describe the block-based restore
Module 17: Access Control and Security
  • Control user access to the cell
  • Manage user groups in the cell
  • Configure user restrictions
  • Manage network access to the cell
  • Secure the DP cell
Module 18: Reporting Server
  • Describe the New Data Protector Reporting Server and its different types
  • Install Data Protector reporting server
  • Configure Data Protector reporting server
  • Generate integrated reports
Module 19: Disaster Recovery
  • List the Data Protector methods to perform a disaster recovery
  • Explain the four phases to recover a system from a disaster
  • Perform a Disaster Recovery using Enhanced Automated Disaster Recovery (EADR)
Module 20: Auto Replication Sync
  • Explain the concept of Auto Replication Sync
  • Explain the foreign Cell Manager import method
  • Describe the Automated Replication Synchronization (ARS) device and the replication job configuration
Module 21: Patch Installation
  • Explain the Data Protector strategies to address the product issues and limitations
  • Download and install the Data Protector General Release (GR) patches
  • Query the Data Protector clients to view a list of installed Data Protector fixes
Module 22: Troubleshooting
  • Identify various DP log files
  • Enable the debug option
  • Explain the process to collect and pack the debug files
  • Configure and run the DP health check
  • Perform a basic troubleshooting