UPK Developer Rel 3.5 (Self-Study Course)


A qui s'adresse cette formation

  • End users
  • Project managers


  • Create Explanation and Decision frames and Alternative actions and paths
  • Create and manage library folders and create custom Library views
  • Customize the logo and templates for print and Player deployments
  • Import and export content
  • Incorporate sound
  • Create localized content for foreign language deployment
  • Check in/check-out documents on the server
  • Use Admin features to manage the Library through workflow status and content permissions
  • Build content outlines using modules, sections, and topics
  • Record and edit content
  • Link existing content to an outline
  • Preview topics in See It!, Try It!, Know It?, and Do It! modes and in document format
  • Publish content, including printable documentation
  • Set, export, and import content defaults for a consistent output
  • Create and use attachments and glossary terms
  • Create, assign, and publish by roles

Product description

  • Build an Outline
    • Set Content and Document Defaults
    • Export/Import Content Defaults
    • Build an Outline
    • Link a New Module
    • Link a New Section
    • Link a New Topic
    • Move a Document in the Library
    • Find a Document in the Library
  • Record Topics
    • Record Topic Content
    • Understand Recorder Logic
    • Record Different Action Types
    • Record a Topic
    • Save a Topic
    • Use Automatic Screenshot Recording
  • Preview a Topic
    • Preview Player Modes
    • Use the Actions Menu
    • Preview See It! Mode
    • Preview Try It! Mode
    • Preview Do It! Mode
    • Preview Know It? Mode
    • Preview Documents
  • Use the Topic Editor
    • Customize the Layout in the Topic Editor
    • Navigate Frames in the Topic Editor
    • Insert and Delete Frames
    • Copy Frames
    • Define the Action for a Frame
    • Change the Action Area for a Frame
    • Insert and Format Template and Custom Bubble Text
    • Specify the Playback Mode for Custom Text
  • Check In/Check Out
    • Check In and Check Out Documents
    • Add Check In Comments
    • View Document History
    • Roll Back to a Previous Version
    • Manage Folder Conflicts
  • Manage Library Documents
    • Change Library Views and Layouts
    • Use a Sample View
    • Create a Custom View
    • Move and Position Toolpanes
    • Manage Documents in the Library
    • Copy and Paste Documents in the Library
    • Duplicate Documents and Folders in the Library
  • Work with Related Documents
    • Move a Document in the Outline Editor
    • Delete a Document Link
    • Link Existing Documents to a New Outline
    • Copy and Paste between Outlines
    • Print an Outline
    • Delete a Document from the Library
    • View and Repair Broken Links in the Outline
    • Restore Deleted Documents under Version Control
  • Publish Content for the Player
    • Use the Publishing Wizard
    • Player - Publishing Options
    • HTML Web Site - Publishing Options
    • LMS - Publishing Options
    • Standalone Topic Files - Publishing Options
    • Publish Content for the Player
    • Change and Reset Player Options
    • Publish Server vs. Local Content
  • View and Assign Document Properties
    • View Document Properties
    • Use the Properties Toolpane
    • Work with General Properties
    • Work with Topic Properties
    • Work with Document Output Properties
    • Assign State and User Workflow Properties
    • Publish by State
  • Create and Link Attachments
    • Create Package and Web Page Attachments
    • Format Web Pages
    • Use Hyperlinks in Web Pages
    • Link URLs to Web Pages
    • Link Attachments to Concepts in the Outline Editor
    • Link Attachments to Frames in the Topic Editor
    • Manage Linked Attachments
  • Create a Glossary
    • Create a New Glossary
    • Define Glossary Terms
    • Assign a Glossary to a Document
    • Update Glossary Links
    • Edit a Glossary
    • Delete a Glossary
  • Publish Content for Printed Output
    • System Process Document
    • Job Aid
    • Training Guide
    • Instructor Manual
    • Test Document
    • HP Quality Center
    • Set Preview Options
    • Publish for a Document Output
  • Understand Know It? Mode
    • Know It? Mode - Overview
    • Include Bubble Text in Know It? Mode
    • Preview Frame Text for Know It? Mode
    • Display Template Text in Know It? Mode
    • Set Know It? Scoring Defaults
    • Set Know It? Remediation Levels
    • String Input Scoring in Know It? Mode
    • Preview Know It? Changes
  • Use Alternative Actions and Paths
    • Insert an Alternative Action
    • Insert an Alternative Path
    • Display Alternative Actions and Paths
    • Change the End Frame of an Alternative Path
    • Set the Default Action
    • Delete an Alternative Action
    • Delete an Alternative Path
  • Create Decision Frames
    • Use Decision Frames during Playback
    • Insert a Decision Frame
    • Record Paths in a Decision Frame
    • Rename and Reposition Paths in a Decision Frame
    • Edit Header Text
    • Remove Decision Paths
    • Delete a Decision Frame
    • Copy Decision Frames and Paths
  • Edit Frames
    • Format String Inputs
    • Clear the Input Text Entry List
    • Add New Input Text Entries
    • Set the Default Input Text Entry
    • Add Meta Entries
    • Recapture Actions and Screenshots
    • Re-record a Topic
    • Create a Jump-in Point
  • Define Roles
    • Open the Role Editor
    • Add a Role to the Master Role List
    • Assign Roles to Documents
    • Remove Roles from Documents
    • Rename and Delete Roles
    • Update a Master Role List
    • Create a New Role List
    • Publish by Roles
  • Customize Published Output
    • Create Custom Styles
    • Create a Publishing Category
    • Use the Customize Logo Tool
    • Preview Publishing Categories
    • Publish using Publishing Categories
    • Customize the Player Images and Stylesheet Elements
    • Customize Document Templates
    • Use the Publishing Template Toolbar
  • Export/Import Content and Sound
    • Export Options
    • Export Content and Related Documents
    • Import Content
    • Import Sound Files
    • Export Sound Files in Bulk
    • Import Sound Files in Bulk
  • Localize Content
    • Duplicate Content for Localization
    • Localization using Microsoft Word
    • Export Content for Localization
    • Change Templates and Update Glossary Links
    • Localization using XLIFF
  • Work in a Multi-user Environment
    • Understand Content Permissions
    • Work with Content Permissions
    • Content Conversion
    • Create and Manage Login Profiles
    • Work Online or Offline
  • Administrative Options
    • Purge Deleted Documents
    • Override Check Out
    • Create and Manage Authors
    • Work with Library Permissions
    • Use Groups to Manage Library Permissions
    • Assign/Remove Folder Permissions for an Author
    • View and Edit Folder Permissions
E-Learning Oracle Training on Demand
Prix (Hors Taxe)
  • CHF 1 799,–