Web Component Development With Servlet & JSPs, Java EE 5, (Self-Study Course)



  • Java Programming Language (CDJ-275-SE6)
  • Write Java technology applications, demonstrating significant programming ability
  • Integrate existing Java code (for example, reuse existing classes created by other team members)
  • Develop a web page using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), using JavaScript(TM) technology, or other web presentation technologies


  • Create easy to maintain JSP pages using the Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and the Struts Tiles framework
  • Create robust web applications that integrate Struts and JSP pages
  • Write servlets using the Java programming language (Java servlets)
  • Create robust web applications using Struts, session management, filters, and database integration
  • Write JSP pages

Product description

  • Introduction to Web Application Technologies
    • Describe web applications
    • Describe Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5)
    • Describe Java servlet technology
    • Describe JavaServer Pages technology
    • Define three-tier architecture
    • Define Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
  • Developing a View Component
    • Design a view component
    • Describe the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    • Describe the web container behavior
    • Develop a simple HTTP servlet
    • Configure and deploy a servlet
  • Developing a Controller Component
    • Design a controller component
    • Create an HTML form
    • Describe how HTML form data is sent in an HTTP request
    • Develop a controller servlet
    • Dispatch from a controller servlet to a view servlet
  • Developing Dynamic Forms
    • Describe the servlet life cycle
    • Customize a servlet with initialization parameters
    • Explain error reporting within the web form
    • Repopulating the web form
  • Sharing Application Resources Using the Servlet Context
    • Describe the purpose and features of the servlet context
    • Develop a servlet context listener to initialize a shared application resource
  • Designing the Business Tier
    • Describe the Analysis model
    • Design entity components
    • Design service components
  • Developing a Web Application Using Struts
    • Design a web application using the Struts MVC framework
    • Develop a Struts action class
    • Configure the Struts action mappings
  • Developing Web Applications Using Session Management
    • Describe the purpose of session management
    • Design a web application that uses session management
    • Develop servlets using session management
    • Describe the cookies implementation of session management
    • Describe the URL-rewriting implementation of session management
  • Using Filters in Web Applications
    • Describe the web container request cycle
    • Describe the Filter API
    • Develop a filter class
    • Configure a filter in the web.xml file
  • Integrating Web Applications With Databases
    • Map sample data structure into database entities
    • Design a web application to integrate with a DBMS
    • Configuring a DataSource and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API
  • Developing JSP Pages
    • Describe JSP page technology
    • Write JSP code using scripting elements
    • Write JSP code using the page directive
    • Write JSP code using standard tags
    • Write JSP code using the Expression Language (EL)
    • Configure the JSP page environment in the web.xml file
  • Developing JSP Pages Using Custom Tags
    • Describe the Java EE job roles involved in web application development
    • Design a web application using custom tags
    • Use JSTL tags in a JSP page
  • Developing Web Applications Using Struts Action Forms
    • Describe the components in a Struts application
    • Develop an ActionForm class
    • Develop a JSP page for a View form
    • Configure the View forms
  • Building Reusable Web Presentation Components
    • Describe how to build web page layouts from reusable presentation components
    • Include JSP segments
    • Develop layouts using the Struts Tiles framework
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Prix (Hors Taxe)
  • CHF 1 438,–