Advanced Angular Development (NGADV)


Course Overview

This is a workshop for experienced Angular developers who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in Angular development. It consists of 10 modules each covering different advanced topics in Angular development. The workshop is designed to be hands-on and interactive, with a mix of lectures, demos, and exercises. It allows participants to deepen their Angular skills for Classic Angular Development but also teaches the updates introduced by the Angular Renaissance Initiative like using Standalone Components, functional Implementations, Signals, and NgRx SignalStore.

Course Content

  • Standalone Components - Concepts & Migration: Understand the differences between standalone components and modules, delve into Angular's bootstrapping process, and learn how to migrate an existing project to use standalone components.
  • Components & Forms Deep Dive: Explore advanced component and form techniques, including control flow syntax, deferred loading, content projection, cascading reactive forms, and creating custom controls with enhanced validation and error handling.
  • Mastering Reactive Programming using RxJS: Master RxJS concepts like observables, operators, and error handling strategies, along with practical debugging and testing techniques for implementing custom observable operators.
  • Mastering Reactivity using Signals: Learn about signals and their interoperability with observables, data retrieval methods, and effective communication between components using advanced signal techniques and the Event Bus pattern.
  • State Management using NgRx Classic & NgRx SignalStore: Discover state management patterns, implement both NgRx Classic and SignalStore, manage side effects, and create custom store features while tracking state changes efficiently.
  • Advanced Routing and App Initialization: Gain deep insights into dependency injection, app initialization, global error handling, and advanced routing techniques including view transitions, auxiliary routes, and router animations.
  • Advanced Testing with Jasmine, Jest, Cypress and NgRx: Comprehensively test Angular applications using tools like Jasmine, Jest, and Cypress, covering unit tests, complex form testing, state management testing, and end-to-end testing.
  • Reusability with Libraries, Nx & Angular Elements: Create reusable Angular artifacts using libraries and Nx workspaces, and develop reusable components like an AI chat using Angular Elements.
  • Real Time Micro-Frontends & Progressive Web Apps: Understand micro-frontends and progressive web apps, focusing on real-time connected micro-frontends, HTML5 APIs, service workers, and PWA installation and updates.
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR): Get introduced to SSR, including build-time pre-rendering, optimizing components for server-side, hybrid rendering, and incremental hydration for improved performance.
  • Optimizing Applications: Use tools like Chrome Dev Tools and Lighthouse to optimize application performance, analyze bundles, improve change detection, provide localization and ensure accessibility and configuration management best practices.

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

5 days

  • CHF 3,830.—
Classroom Training

5 days

  • Switzerland: CHF 3,830.—


Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.


European Time Zones

Online Training Course language: German
Online Training Course language: German