Unified Functional Testing One (UFT One) Essentials (UFTO120) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1: Course Overview
  • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
  • Define the class schedule and class logistics
  • Identify the related courses
  • Discuss the lab environment details
Module 2: Software Overview
  • Describe the advantages of UFT One as a testing tool
  • Preview the UFT One Start page and Help menus
  • Recognize the sample applications used in the labs
  • Identify resources for getting assistance
Module 3: Preparing to Record
  • Identify functional testing principles and the benefits of automated testing
  • Navigate the typical GUI testing workflow
  • Document the steps of a business process
  • Prioritize business processes using effective criteria
  • Gather sufficient test data
  • Prepare the test environment for automated testing
Module 4: Creating a Basic Test
  • Create a basic test from a manual test case
  • Run a test and check for errors
  • Save a test<br />&bull; View test results
Module 5: Working with Objects
  • Identify objects
  • Describing UFT One for GUI testing object
  • Identify objects in UFT One for GUI testing
  • Use the Object Repository to manage objects in UFT One for GUI testing
  • Resolve object identification issues
Module 6: Utilizing a Shared Object Repository
  • Identify the types of object repositories
  • Manage shared object repositories using the Object Repository Manager
  • Use visual relation identifiers
Module 7: Adding Synchronization
  • Define synchronization in UFT One for GUI testing
  • Identify the uses of synchronization in UFT One for GUI testing
  • Add a synchronization step for a specified object
Module 8: Verifying with Standard Checkpoints
  • Define standard checkpoints
  • Add standard checkpoints to a test
  • Use a regular expression to add flexibility to a standard checkpoint
Module 9: Using Parameters
  • Identify and use different parameter types
  • Insert an input parameter
  • Insert an output parameter
  • Parameterize a checkpoint
  • Evaluate test results for iterative tests
Module 10: Building Multiple Reusable Actions
  • Identify actions in UFT One for GUI testing
  • Identify action types
  • Identify action and test iterations
  • Identify calls to existing actions and copies of actions
  • Share values using the global data table
  • Call actions with parameters
  • Store action return values
  • Create multiple actions from a single action
  • Create a new action
  • Call a reusable action from another test
  • Use local and global data sheets
  • Resolve missing actions
Module 11: Adding Steps without Recording
  • List the types of steps that can be added to a test without using the record feature
  • Use conditional statements in a test
  • Use the Step Generator
  • Use the reporter object to report events in the test results
Module 12: Creating Tests on a Web Application
  • Record and run a test on a web application
  • Insert standard checkpoints on web objects
  • Insert a text checkpoint in a test for a web application
Module 13: Creating a Basic AI Test
  • Describe the new AI features in UFT One
  • Create a basic AI Test
Module 14: Using Recovery Scenarios
  • Identify exceptions in a test
  • Create a recovery scenario
  • Associate a recovery scenario with a test
  • Set an optional step in a test
Appendix A: Advanced Checkpoints for GUI Testing
  • Create table checkpoints
  • Create text and text area checkpoints
  • Create file content checkpoints
  • Create XML checkpoints
Appendix B: Object Identification Techniques
  • Configure object identification
  • Describe mandatory and assistive properties
  • Use ordinal identifiers
  • Use smart identifiers
  • Describe when to use Smart Identification
  • Use the Smart Identification process
  • Describe how UFT One for GUI Testing uses Smart Identification &ndash; Use Case Scenario
Appendix C: API Testing with UFT One
  • Define Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Define the terminology and principles for API testing
  • Navigate the UFT One UI for API testing
  • Import services
  • Define test step inputs and outputs
  • Utilize data driving
  • Use the Results Viewer(s)