Advanced AWS Well-Architected Best Practices (AWABP)


Course Overview

This interactive course provides a deep dive into Amazon Web Services (AWS) best practices to help you perform effective and efficient AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews. The course covers the phases of a review, including how to prepare, run, and get guidance after a review has been performed. Attendees should have familiarity with the AWS concepts, terminology, services, and tools that are covered in the intermediate, 200-levelAWS Well-Architected Best Practices.

This course provides an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review simulation and instructor-led group exercises and discussions regarding prioritizing and solutioning risks. The content focuses on teaching learners how to prepare proposals on high and medium risk issues using the AWS Well-Architected Tool.

Who should attend

Learners who will find this course applicable to their work include:

  • Solutions architects
  • Cloud practitioners
  • Data engineers
  • Data scientists
  • Developers


Course Objectives

In this course, you will explore:

  • Workload definition and key concepts
  • The AWS Well-Architected Framework Review phases, process, best practices, and anti-patterns
  • High and medium risks
  • Prioritizing improvements to the AWS Well-Architected workflow
  • Locating and using the AWS Well-Architected Framework white paper, labs, prebuilt solutions in the AWS solutions library, AWS Well-Architected independent software vendors (ISVs), and AWS Well-Architected Partner Program (WAPP)

Course Content

Module 0: Course Introduction
Module 1: AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews
  • Workload definition
  • Key concepts of a workload
  • AWS Well-Architected Review phases
  • AWS Well-Architected Review approach, lessons learned, and use case
  • AWS Well-Architected Review best practices
  • AWS Well-Architected Review anti-patterns
Module 2: Customer Scenario Group Sessions
  • Demonstration of a Review question and answer example
  • Operational excellence
    • Group role-play exercise
    • Two questions in this pillar
  • Security
    • Group role-play exercise
    • Three questions in this pillar
  • Reliability
    • Group role-play exercise
    • Three questions in this pillar
  • Performance efficiency
    • Group role-play exercise
    • Three questions in this pillar
  • Cost optimization
    • Group role-play exercise
    • Three questions in this pillar
Module 3: Risk Solutions and Priorities
  • AWS Well-Architected workflow
  • Defining and solutioning high risk issues (HRIs) and medium risk issues (MRIs)
  • Identifying significant risks and solutioning group discussion for:
    • Operational excellence
    • Security
    • Reliability
    • Performance efficiency
    • Cost optimization
  • Prioritizing improvements
Module 4: Resources
  • Resource pages
  • AWS Well-Architected ISVs
Module 5: Course Summary
  • Objective recap
  • Debrief
  • What’s next?

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

1 Tag

  • CHF 850.–

1 Tag

  • Schweiz: CHF 850.–


Instructor-led Online Training:   Kursdurchführung online im virtuellen Klassenraum.
FLEX Classroom Training (Hybrid-Kurs):   Kursteilnahme wahlweise vor Ort im Klassenraum oder online vom Arbeitsplatz oder von zu Hause aus.


Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)

Online Training
Klassenraum-Option: Düsseldorf, Deutschland
Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)
Online Training
Klassenraum-Option: München, Deutschland
Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)
Online Training
Klassenraum-Option: München, Deutschland
Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)


1 Stunde Differenz

Online Training
Klassenraum-Option: Kairo, Ägypten
Zeitzone: Osteuropäische Sommerzeit (OESZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

3 Stunden Differenz

Online Training
Klassenraum-Option: Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Zeitzone: Gulf Standard Time (GST)

7 Stunden Differenz

Online Training Zeitzone: Central Daylight Time (CDT)

9 Stunden Differenz

Online Training Zeitzone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
FLEX Classroom Training (Hybrid-Kurs):   Kursteilnahme wahlweise vor Ort im Klassenraum oder online vom Arbeitsplatz oder von zu Hause aus.



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