VMware HCX: Deploy, Configure, Manage (HCXDCM) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Course Introduction
  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives
Introduction to VMware HCX
  • Describe the workload mobility challenges that VMware HCX addresses.
  • Recognize uses cases for VMware HCX.
  • Describe the VMware HCX uses cases related to application migration, upgrades or re-platforms, workload rebalancing, and business continuity and protection.
HCX Architecture
  • Describe the HCX management plane and data plane components.
  • Distinguish between the types of HCX Manager deployments.
  • Explain the role of HCX Cloud and HCX Connector.
  • Describe site-pairing at the management plane level.
  • Describe the services provided by HCX.
  • Recognize the HCX appliances deployed to support each HCX service.
  • Explain HCX Service Mesh and its benefits.
HCX Deployment
  • Identify the type of environments that can be interconnected in HCX.
  • Explain the different deployment topologies for HCX.
  • Deploy HCX Cloud on SDDC and on the public cloud.
  • Deploy HCX Connector on-premises.
  • Establish site pairing between the source and destination sites.
  • Troubleshoot common HCX Manager deployment and site pairing problems.
Service Mesh Deployment
  • Use network and compute profiles to deploy the HCX Service Mesh.
  • Recognize different types of Service Mesh topologies.
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with Service Mesh deployments.
HCX+ Overview
  • Explain the use cases and benefits of HCX+.
  • Perform site onboarding and configuration on HCX+
HCX Network Extension
  • Explain the functionality, benefits and use cases of HCX Network Extension.
  • Compare HCX Network Extension with other L2 extension solutions.
  • Distinguish between HCX Network Extension topologies.
  • Describe the benefits of HCX Network Extension High Availability.
  • Create a network extension and validate its configuration.
  • Describe the benefits of Mobility Optimized Networking (MON).
  • Configure a HCX Network Extension with MON.
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with HCX Network Extension and MON.
WAN Optimization and Traffic Engineering
  • Describe the benefits and used cases of WAN Optimization and Traffic Engineering.
  • Configure WAN Optimization and Traffic Engineering.
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with WAN Optimization and Traffic Engineering.
Workload Mobility
  • Identify the different phases of an HCX migration.
  • Differentiate between HCX migration types and their use cases.
  • Describe the workflow for HCX Cold and vMotion migrations.
  • Explain the considerations and limitations of HCX Cold and vMotion migrations.
  • Perform HCX Cold and vMotion migrations.
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with HCX Cold and vMotion migrations.
  • Describe the workflow for Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations.
  • Explain the considerations and limitations of Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations.
  • Perform Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations.
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations.
  • Describe the workflow for HCX OS Assisted migrations.
  • Explain the considerations and limitations of HCX OS Assisted migrations.
  • Perform HCX OS Assisted migrations.
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with HCX OS Assisted migrations.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • Explain disaster recovery concepts and considerations.
  • Use VMware HCX to implement a business continuity strategy.
HCX Lifecycle Management
  • Backup and restore the HCX Manager.
  • Upgrade HCX components.