Implementing AI Agents and Copilots using Azure OpenAI (IAIACOIA) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1: Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service
Get started with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Access Azure OpenAI Service
  • Use Azure OpenAI Studio
  • Explore types of generative AI models
  • Deploy generative AI models
  • Completions vs Chat
  • Use prompts to get completions from models
  • Test models in Azure OpenAI Studio's playgrounds
Build natural language solutions with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Integrate Azure OpenAI into your app
  • Use Azure OpenAI REST API
  • Use Azure OpenAI SDK
Apply prompt engineering with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Understand prompt engineering
  • Write more effective prompts
  • Zero-shot- vs Few-shot learning
  • Chain-of-thought prompting
  • Provide context to improve accuracy
  • System Messages
  • Function Calling
Generate code with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Construct code from natural language
  • Complete code and assist the development process
  • Fix bugs and improve your code
Generate images with Azure OpenAI Service
  • What is DALL-E?
  • Explore DALL-E in Azure OpenAI Studio
  • Use the Azure OpenAI REST API to consume DALL-E models
Implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Understand Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Add your own data source
  • Chat with your model using your own data
Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI
  • Plan a responsible generative AI solution
  • Identify potential harms
  • Measure potential harms
  • Mitigate potential harms
  • Operate a responsible generative AI solution
Module 2: Develop custom Copilots with Azure AI Studio
Introduction to Azure AI Studio
  • Core Features and Capabilities of Azure AI Studio
  • Azure AI Hubs & Projects
  • Provision and manage an Azure AI Resources
  • Azure AI Studio: Use Cases and Scenarios
Build a RAG-based copilot solution with your own data using Azure AI Studio
  • Identify the need to ground your language model with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Index your data with Azure AI Search to make it searchable for language models
  • Build a copilot using RAG on your own data in the Azure AI Studio
  • Using RAG in Prompt Flow
Introduction to developing Copilots with Prompt Flow in the Azure AI Studio
  • Prompt-Flow Overview, Integration and Use Cases
  • Understand Prompt Flow Basics and Core Components
  • Using Prompt Flow Variants
  • Understand the Development Lifecycle when Creating Language Model Applications.
  • Using LangChain in Prompt Flow
Integrate a fine-tuned language model with your copilot in the Azure AI Studio
  • Fine Tuning Overview
  • When to use fine-tuning
  • Fine-tune a language model in the Azure AI Studio
Evaluate the performance of you custom copilot in the Azure AI Studio
  • Assess the model performance
  • Understand model benchmarks
  • Using evaluations to monitor and improve your model
Module 3: Develop AI agents using Azure OpenAI and the Semantic Kernel SDK
Build your kernel
  • Understand the purpose of Semantic Kernel
  • Understand prompting basics & techniques for more effective prompts
  • Use OpenAI, Azure OpenAI & 3rd party Large Language Models
Give your AI agent skills using Native Functions
  • Understand Native Functions in the Semantic Kernel SDK
  • Implement Native Functions using Prompts
  • Using yaml based prompts
  • Chaining Native Functions
  • Using Pre- and Post Hooks
Create Plugins for Semantic Kernel
  • Understand the purpose of Semantic Kernel plugins
  • Built-in plugins (ConversationSummary, FileIO, Http, Math, Time)
  • Implementing data retrieval and task automation plugins
  • Persisting Data using Plugins
Providing state & history using Kernel Memory
  • Understand the purpose of Kernel Memory
  • Semantic Kernel Memory: In-process & Connectors
  • High performance memory using Azure Cosmos DB DiskANN
  • Kernel Memory & Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Streaming Responses to Single Page Applications
Use intelligent planners
  • Understand planners in the Semantic Kernel SDK
  • Use & optimize planners to automate function calls
  • Learn how to use Semantic Kernel SDK to automatically invoke functions
  • Function calling as a planner replacement
  • Automatic vs Manual Function Calling
  • Using Function Filters and Function Calling Helpers
Integrating AI Services with Semantic Kernel
  • Text to Image & Image to Text
  • Using Audio to Text
  • Using Hugging Face with Semantic Kernel
  • Integrating Prompt-Flow with Semantic Kernel
Implementing Copilots & Assistant using Semantic Kernel
  • Assistant Overview
  • OpenAI Assistant Specification
  • Completing multi-step tasks with Assistant
  • Using Personas with Assistant
  • Implementing Multi Assistant Solutions
Module 4: Monitoring & Deploying LLM Applications
  • Understand the deployment process for LLM applications
  • Introductions to Azure Container Apps
  • Deploy LLM applications to Azure Container Apps
  • Scale Azure OpenAI Apps with Azure Container Apps
  • Azure Container Apps Dynamic Sessions
  • Monitor and manage LLM applications