Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Developer (PCD)

A Professional Cloud Developer builds and deploys scalable, secure, and highly available applications by using Google-recommended tools and best practices. This individual has experience with cloud-native applications, containerized applications, APIs, developer tools, orchestration tools, managed services, test strategies, serverless platforms, and next-generation databases. This individual also has proficiency with at least one general-purpose programming language and instruments their code to produce metrics, logs, and traces.

The Professional Cloud Developer exam assesses your ability to:
  • Design scalable, available, and reliable cloud-native applications
  • Build and test applications
  • Deploy applications
  • Integrate Google Cloud services


Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

Exams and recommended training


Candidates must recertify in order to maintain their certification status. Unless explicitly stated in the detailed exam descriptions, all Google Cloud certifications are valid for two years from the date of certification. Recertification is accomplished by retaking the exam during the recertification eligibility time period and achieving a passing score. You may attempt recertification starting 60 days prior to your certification expiration date.