Detailed Course Outline
Module 1: Course Overview
- Identify the course objectives.
- View the course schedule and logistics.
- View eBooks in different ways.
- Access lab environment details and instructions.
Module 2: New Features and Enhancements
- Identify new features and enhancements in Content Manager 23.4.
Module 3: Security
- Access the security levels/classifications.
- Access security caveats/supplemental markings.
- Describe the new default terminology.
- Create security levels/classifications.
- Create security caveats/supplemental markings.
- Delete security levels/classifications and caveats/supplemental markings.
- Apply security levels/classifications and caveats/supplemental markings.
- Explain Additional information – Security.
- Access and apply access controls.
- Apply access controls – Locations.
- Apply access controls – Record types.
- View access rights.
- Explain Additional Information – Access Control.
Module 4: Locations
- Access the locations.
- Describe types of locations – icons.
- Create a location.
- Explain the differences with location types.
- Manage and delete locations.
Module 5: Retention Schedules and Holds
- Access the retention schedules.
- Create retention schedules.
- Delete retention schedules.
- Recalculate triggers in retention schedules.
- Move retention schedules.
- Re-index retention schedules.
- Use retention schedules with records.
- Access holds.
- Create a hold.
- Use a hold.
- Perform event-based archiving
Module 6: Additional Fields
- Access the additional fields.
- Explain the new default terminology.
- Create additional fields.
- Apply additional fields.
- Create managed lookup sets.
Module 7: Structured Titling Options
- Access the classifications/categories.
- Access the thesaurus.
- Describe the new default terminology.
- Review the Numbering Pattern Character Options chart.
- Create a classification.
- Explore the Additional Information – Other tabs.
- Create a new thesaurus term.
- Establish thesaurus term relationships.
- Describe additional information.
Module 8: Record Types
- Access the record types.
- Describe the new default terminology.
- Explore the properties of record types.
Module 9: Action Tracking
- Access the actions/procedures.
- Create actions/procedures.
- Delete actions/procedures.
- Link actions/procedures.
- Show actions/procedures.
- Reassign or complete actions/procedures.
- Compare actions/procedures to workflow.
Module 10: Content Manager Indexing
- Describe Content Manager indexing.
- Describe Elasticsearch integration.
- Create Elasticsearch indexing.
- Create IDOL indexing.
Module 11: System Administration Options
- Name the system administration options.
- Describe the effect of each option on the behavior of a Content Manager database.
- Describe the Metadata Validation rule.
Module 12: Document Store
- Describe the document stores.
- Create a document store.
- Describe a document store with security compliance.
- Enable hash checking.
- Describe Cloud storage support.
Module 13: Auto-Classification
- Set up auto-classification.
- Run auto-classification.
- Review auto-classification.
Module 14: Audit Configuration Options
- Enable auditing on a dataset.
- Access audit logging options.
- Use the Content Manager Audit Options tabs.
- View active events.
- View audit log files.
Module 15: Import and Export (Dataport)
- Access DataPort.
- Create imports and exports.
- Use the DataPort project menus.
- Access the DataPort interface sections.
Module 16: Disposal Workflow
- Describe disposal work flow.
- Create destroy consignment.
- Review destroy consignment.
- Approve/reject consignment.
Module 17: Client and Matter Functionality
- Summarize the Clients and Matters legal structure.
- Set up Client and Matter functionality.
- Work with Client and Matter records.
Module 18: General Troubleshooting, Tips, and Maintenance
- Describe audit logs.
- Describe log directories.
- Explore unknown locations.
- Describe group locations.
- Describe reindex and recalculate triggers.