Detailed Course Outline
Module 1: Course Overview
- Identify the contents and objectives of the course
- Define the class schedule and class logistics
- Identify the related courses
- Discuss the lab environment details
Module 2: Implementation Planning
- Describe the different ALM editions
- Identify hardware and software considerations for installation
- Summarize the steps necessary for upgrading to ALM 15.x from previous versions
Module 3: Introduction to Site Administration
- Navigate Site Administration
- Understand the structure of a project
- Analyze the Site Analysis data
Module 4: Domains and Projects
- Define domains, projects, and templates
- Create a domain and project
- Define a template and its use
- Verify that the project connects to the database
- Describe how to enable versioning when creating a project
Module 5: Maintaining ALM Projects
- Query project tables
- Copy and rename a project
- Export and import a project
- Add email capability
- Describe the new optimized repository
- Realign repositories
- Convert a project to Unicode
- Rename a module
- Learn options to optimize ALM performance
Module 6: Upgrading a Project
- Identify previous project versions that can be upgraded to ALM 15.x
- Summarize items to consider before upgrading a project
- Verify and repair a project
- Upgrade a project
Module 7: Managing Users
- Add users to ALM
- Assign users to projects
- Assign Site Administrator and/or Project Administrator privileges to a user
- Configure login authentication
- Configure Smart Card authentication
- Use Single Sign On (SSO)
- Deactivate and delete users
- Interpret the data in Site Connections
Module 8: Managing Licenses
- Load an ALM license
- Assign licenses to domains and projects
- Assign a named license
Module 9: Configuring the Server and Parameters
- Modify server configurations
- Describe significant newly added site parameters
- Define a new database server
- Modify an existing database server
- Update default configuration parameters
- Add optional configuration parameter
Module 10: Project Planning and Tracking
- Define Project Planning and Tracking (PPT)
- Set scheduling options
- Manually activate PPT
- Purge PPT data
- Fine-tune PPT database activity
Module 11: Quality Center Sense
- Define Quality Center (QC) Sense
- Recognize the QC Sense monitors
- Set configuration options
Module 12: Planning Project-level Customizations
- Identify the available project-level customizations
- Plan project groups and permissions
- Determine the entities to customize
- Determine new lookup lists to add
- Plan the workflow customizations needed for email notifications and defect fields
Module 13: Managing User Groups
- Manage a user group
- Assign permissions to user groups
- Add transition rules
- Add a user to a project
- Add a user to a user group
- Use a template project
Module 14: Customizing Entities
- Add user-defined fields to a project
- Customize system fields
Module 15: Customizing Requirement Types and Risk-based Management
- Customize default requirements
- Add user-defined requirement types
- Customize the risk-based quality management criteria
Module 16: Customizing Project Lists
- Identify parts of a lookup list
- Create a lookup list
- Update a lookup list
- Associate a list to a field
Module 17: Customizing Automail and Alerts
- Designate Automail fields for a project
- Define Automail conditions
- Enable alerts
Module 18: Customizing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Customize key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Configure the transitions
Module 19: Creating Business Views and Configuring Sprinter
- Create and manage business views
- Build graphs from the Business Views user interface
- Configure Sprinter
Module 20: Customizing Workflow
- Access the ALM workflow page
- Customize the Defects module lists
- Customize the fields in the Defects module
Module 21: Implementing Workflow Using the Script Editor
- Use the elements of the Script Editor
- Identify the events in the Script Editor
- Add a command button to an ALM module
Lab 22: Appendix A to Z
- Describe the lab scenario
- Restore, verify, repair, and upgrade a project
- Create users and assign them to a project
- Assign a user as a Project Administrator
- Create a domain and a template and assign the Template Administrator
- Create empty projects from a template
- Add optional configuration parameters
- Create and set permissions for a user group
- Configure transition rules
- Add an item to a list
- Add a user to a user group
- Hide data from a user group
- Configure automail
- Create a new field and customize workflow in the Defect module
- Create a new requirement type