Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)

Earning a globally recognized advanced security IT certification like the SSCP is a great way to grow your career and better secure your organization’s critical assets.

SSCP certification demonstrates you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure using security best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts at ISC2.

Prove your skills, advance your career, and gain the support of a community of cybersecurity leaders here to help you throughout your career.

The SSCP is ideal for IT administrators, managers, directors and network security professionals responsible for the hands-on operational security of their organization’s critical assets, including those in the following positions:

  • Network Security Engineer
  • Systems Administrator
  • Security Analyst
  • Systems Engineer
  • Security Consultant/Specialist
  • Security Administrator
  • Systems/Network Analyst
  • Database Administrator


The SSCP exam evaluates your expertise across seven security domains. Think of the domains as topics you need to master based on your professional experience and education.

SSCP Domains

  • Domain 1. Security Concepts and Practices
  • Domain 2. Access Controls
  • Domain 3. Risk Identification, Monitoring and Analysis
  • Domain 4. Incident Response and Recovery
  • Domain 5. Cryptography
  • Domain 6. Network and Communications Security
  • Domain 7. Systems and Application Security

Recommended training for this certification
